Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Speaking of sleeping

Everynight tiddy sleeps next to me. Like right next to me, cuddled up. It's funny. Yes, he loves Jess a lot, but for some reason (we all know the reason), he sleeps right up next to me. Sometimes this causes problems.

1. There is always a risk that I could roll over on him. (it has happened)
2. In the middle of the night I can't tell if it's him next to me, or jess' arm under the sheets.

Every morning I have to get up around 5 or so and feed him. He sits on my chest and meows quietly until I wake up. Then he eats and gets back in bed. Well this morning my alarm went off and as I sometimes do, I held it in my hand, pushed the snooze, and kept sleeping. I held it in my hand so that when the alarm kept going off i could silence it quickly. So in one hand I've got my alarm, and my other hand is on the cat, who is back laying beside me.
All of a sudden, my snooze alarm started going off. Obviously I was a litle tired and out of it still b/c i woke up and instead of squeezing the snooze button i was squeezing the cats head. It was kind of funny. He didn't seem to mind. Also, the other day I woke up in the middle of the night and for no reason at all, i was pinching the cat. Wierd huh?....


yourstrulydear said...


Unknown said...

I think you have a secret hate towards the cat...just a thought.

Anonymous said...

dimme dat tiddy!

Honeybee said...

You have heard of some people who have rolled over in the middle of the night and suffocate their little babies that are next to them in bed...I think that Jay-Z is like your kid because you don't have any watch out. Also I agree that sub-consciously you hate the cat and this is how it is coming out...this is all :)

Kristine said...

I'm jealous that your cat sleeps by you at night! My kitty used to sleep either curled up on the bed with me, or in Lucy. But now he thinks nighttime is attack-and-bite-Kristine-while-purring-happily-about-it time, so he gets locked out of my room at night. We're still pretty convinced Sebastian is going to grow into a liger. (My loathing for Napoleon Dynamite doesn't stop me from referencing it ocassionally. :)