Friday, December 14, 2007

2 words if you can't work with me....OUT

School is finally over and all we have left is finals. I can't wait to be done for good. The only stressful thing is I have to find a new job for next semester. But now that we're pretty much done with school I can relax more and enjoy the good things in life...

Easy cheese, Movies, Mario Kart, being with Jess (wait, that's everyday anyways.) (sappy sappy sappy blah blah blah blah blah), sleeping in (for me, which is around 9), playing with friends more, finally being able to watch Judge Judy on a daily basis, and such.
Oh, side note. A recent pet peeve of mine is people who use those hands free cell phone things. It's soooo annoying to see these people walking around talking to the air. Since when did holding a phone to your ear become difficult? It just creeps me out.

Deep thought of the Day: Jan got mad when I used the word vomit...but to me, that's what her food tasted like.


The Blairs said...

Today I was having some flashbacks of me and BJ defeating you at mario kart last year. Anyway maybe not the defeating part but I think its about time to fire up the 64 again. Where the heck is BJ when you need him. What kind of mario kart player is Jess? Is she a consistent enough player to participate? Sarah just gets motion sickness or has to take dramamine to play, but then she gets all sleepy and cranky so she might be out. Bring it, I'm ready to kick up my heels and relax now that school is done.

yourstrulydear said...

umm sorry to disappoint, but i dont really play mario kart. you see, ive never played a video game in my life until...this semester... so basically i suck and i dont know how to steer and its embarassing. the end.

The Blairs said...


I'm totally offended.

1. I cannot help the motion sickness. At least I'm tough enough to play through it.

2. I am very good (although not near as good as Josh). I'm certainly better than you.

3. If we play, Josh, you cannot be yoshi, and Ryan you cannot be Mario. I'm princess, yall can pick from what's left.

4. Bring it on. I'll play till I fall asleep from the dramamine.



The Blairs said...

Just to clarify. In the above mentioned #2 I was refering to being better than Ryan (if that wasn't clear).


7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

Forget Mariokart, let's play Pirates Dice! And, I agree about the earpiece, unless your name is Bukesh (Raj) and you own Swagat and 2 7-11's and are wicked cool, then you can definitely wear an ear piece and talk on it, becasue most likely you are wearing one rubber glove cookin' up some flaming curry dish in the back, so it only makes sense. And even when you're not cooking, you can still wear it, because, hellooooo, you're Raj.

yourstrulydear said...

i miss you. write a new blog.

The Blairs said...

time for a new post