Tuesday, February 12, 2008

The black death...

Well I haven't written for a while b/c i've been slowly dying over the weekend. I woke up saturday morning and felt awful. Chills/sweats, cough, headache, stuffy nose, aches/pains...the whole works. Couldn't leave the house for 2 days. Now I'm just stuffed up but feeling better. Anyways, here's a little thought for everyone to enjoy. If you share a home with someone else, and you walk into your usually disgusting kitchen, and it's magically clean, all the dishes are washed and put away, the dishwasher is empty, the counters are wiped off, the garbage (3 bags) is taken out, and it's clear that someone else did all of these things.....and you have the audacity to put new dirty dishes in the sink!!!.....then in the words of the always crazy tom cruise...You are a jerk. You're a jerk. That's a nicer word than i would usually use but that's what you are. Face it, live with it, accept it, deal with it. If you can actually be the first to dirty up a kitchen after someone else cleaned it (not the magical cleaning fairy as some might think), then you are a jerk. ahhhh roommates. But anyways, I was just mad a couple days ago b/c of this situation. I'm over it now b/c our kitchen is gross again. Then again, i've contaminated every surface in the house now so maybe that makes up for it. Okay, time to study..


The Blairs said...

You should try picking up after 2 little ones and a little bigger one with a really small one.

7Carters!E,H,V,B,R,C,E said...

for a while there I was thinking that one of your roommates had cleaned the kitchen for you since you were sick and that you left the dirty dish, and then I thought, "Hm, nope...Josh did all the work and his roommate is the jerk."