Friday, May 22, 2009

Pleva....part II

So here's the deal...
I never get sick...I pride myself in never getting sick. However, this week has not been good. The entire week I've just felt wierd. Headaches, weakness, aches, hot/cold flashes...just overall tiredness. Coming home from a long day of work and experiencing those symptoms has not been fun. I really didn't know what it was, but i'm feeling better now. Then a few days ago I got these two sores on my inner lip. So that has been a pain. But now to what this blog is really about...(besides the fact that my body is apparently falling apart)

2 days ago I noticed these red dots on my chest. Today, it's pretty much all over my chest and a little on my stomach. Jess thought that I should go to the doctor, which I obviously didn't want to do. Most of you will remember my 2 year ordeal with a rare skin disease called Pleva several years ago. B/c of that time, i was dreading going to see a doctor for this. Multiple dermatologists couldn't even diagnose pleva, and the regular doctors had no clue, so why should this time be any different. So tonight, we went to urgent care, they took my blood pressure (perfect as usual), and I went in to see the doctor. After looking at me for a few seconds (hopefully you can tell how skeptical i am of his diagnosis), he told me what he thinks it is. He said it's Pityriasis rosea. Oh, did i mention that the first word in Pleva is Pityriasis?.......yeaaaaahhhhhh.
He goes, "do you know what causes it"....i didn't even have to wait for an answer. I rolled my eyes and said "nobody knows right?" Of course. Just like Pleva, this condition has no known cause, or cure. It just goes away on it's own in 6-12 weeks. If you click on the Pityriasis rosea link, you'll notice that although it hasn't been proven, many people who get this experience aches and weakness just before they get the rash. Hmmmmm....remember how this whole past week I've felt weak and achy? Perhaps this is the reason why. I don't know. So, if this is even what it is (which I really don't know) I just have to wait it out. I'm so sick of getting these bizarre problems. Why can't I just get a normal disease? I'm so healthy, but when I do get something, my body likes to make it a challenge.
I always say that when I die, it's going to be from some new disease that they name after me.
I HATE SKIN PROBLEMS. Nobody ever knows how to fix them. So for now, I'm just angry that I have to deal with this again. Hopefully, it's just some small problem that will go away quickly. That's all for now.


Honeybee said...

I was thinking maybe you have the swine flu. Hope you get better soon!