Sunday, November 11, 2007

Feeling a little sick...

Tonight, Jess and I were over at Sarah and Ryan's and we were sitting at the dinner table talking. Sarah decided it would be fun if i drank her diabetes orange test drink. It's basically carbinated sugar water. You have to drink 10 oz. in 5 minutes. I drank the whole thing in 2 1/2 minutes. It didn't taste THAT bad, but afterwards I felt really weird. I kept asking if It was going to make me pee funny or something. My mouth felt numb so I drank a whole bottle of water afterwards. Then I noticed my heart beating faster. I'm feeling a little better now but I'm trying to not make any sudden movements. It wasn't until afterwards that I read "by prescription only" Anyways, we'll see how this turns out...


Carterfam said...

Thanks for drinking that Josh! Now I feel like you have that much more of an understanding of all pregnant women go through (even though that's like, 1/1000000th of it) I guess we can take it as a positive sign that you got so sick to mean that you are NOT pregnant.

The Blairs said...

That's exactly what I was thinking C.J. I wanted someone to understand what we go though. Ryan wouldn't do it (wuss). I was glad Josh stepped up. At the very least it was entertaining.

I told Josh, if you think one drink is bad, try two in 10 mintues. I have never felt so bad in my life as when I had to do that. Note to self: DO NOT FAIL THE FIRST DIABETES TEST!! It only gets worse from there.

I wanted him to let me test his blood sugar, but he wouldn't go for that one. Can't really blame him though, who wants to get their finger pricked by their sister.

The Blairs said...

By the way, I am not a wuss. Just intelligent.

yourstrulydear said...

i agree ryan. i dont think i would have drank that either. unless someone paid me maybe..