Thursday, June 11, 2009

A piece of advice from your favorite Judge

I'm sitting on the couch watching Judge Judy with tiddy. It's raining outside and we're just waiting for Jess to get home from work. I'm happy. So Judge Judy just gave this lady some really good advice that she's been saying for years:
Never ever ever loan anybody money with the expectation to get it back. The minute you loan someone money, you become the bad guy. Because "those who have little will think ill of those who have a lot and who dare to ask for the money back". She says to never loan money to friends, family, strangers, anybody! "Think of it as a gift that would be a surprise to get back"
It's completely true. When you loan someone money, they are so grateful and happy. But the second you start asking for that money back, they can get angry and act like somehow they were entitled to the money all along. Then they begin to think you are selfish and rude for asking for it back. If you bring up the money, they can get awkward and aggitated. It's true, when you loan money, you become the bad one.
Anyways, Judge Judy just went off on a lady about this again and I always love when she does. So I thought I'd share the good advice.

Side note: Many people are responsible and don't have problems paying people back. But still, in general.....don't do it. Tiddy agrees.


Anonymous said...

Josh I want my money back!!
John Parker Wilson

Anonymous said...

I'm gonna need the cash equivalency...

-Lauren Conrad

Juji said...

LC from the hills???? We looked for you at Spark but you were in the VIP lounge. Maybe next time. TTYN!

yourstrulydear said...

well said by judge judy. she knows all the right things to say :]